The Prime Health Services corporate office is still open and operating at this time. Employees, please refer to MS Teams and your email for the latest office updates.

Inmate Medical Cost Containment Program

Your Risk-Free Solution

We understand that one of the most nebulous areas of a county budget is the jail and trying to project inmate medical costs. Inmate medical costs are difficult to plan for when you don’t know when a massive heart attack or other injury will happen. Our inmate medical cost containment program is a risk-free program that consists of claims adjudication (scrubbing of the claim) and reporting.

When it comes to off-site medical access for inmates, we are second to none. Prime Health Services is a specialist on medical provider networks and applies that knowledge to the corrections industry with our inmate off-site medical cost containment program.

What We Do Best

Knowing that an expert is working hard to save you the maximum dollars on inmate health care allows you to focus your time on other important jail administrative duties. We complement an on-site medical company, allowing them to do what they do best (on-site care) while we do what we do best (saving you dollars on the off-site care inmates needed).

Having a cost management system shows that the county is focused on providing appropriate medical care regardless of the cost. And our reporting supports you in the endeavor to be knowledgeable and accountable for the health care of your inmates.

What if there was a risk-free way to see if money could be saved on inmates’ off-site medical claims?

Risk-free? That sounds too good to be true. Well, believe it. There is no up-front cost. And you will never owe us a dime if we do not save you money. The reason this program is risk-free to you is that our fee is based on a percentage of your savings. Again, if we do not save you money then you do not owe us a penny.

  1. You will receive a summary of the EOB (explanation of benefits sheet) that shows you line-by-line how the claim was repriced, the total savings, and your total payment due to Prime Health Services which is inclusive of our fee (since we saved you money on the claim).
  2. You will write just one check for all processed claims for the month and we will pay each medical provider (doctor, hospital etc.) for you.

We will free up your and your staff’s time by writing the checks to each provider for you. The best part – you will never owe us a penny if we cannot save you money!

Save money on hospitals and doctors you already use.

Our preferred provider network of more than 800,000 medical providers includes facilities, hospitals, specialists, and other health care services that have committed to taking inmates. With the unique understanding of requirements to treat inmates, our credentialed medical providers provide quality care to help inmates return to healthy status as quickly as possible. If a local hospital or doctor you use is not currently in-network we will contact them to try to negotiate the medical claim cost down for you. 

Prime Health Services works with county jails, sheriffs associations, and state departments of corrections to provide health care services for inmates.